Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Back to business...

It has been a loooong time since I last posted--almost a year!  So much has changed in my life...some good, some sad.  This middle of summer is always a relaxing time to rest and renew.  Usually, it also signals that school will be starting in about 6 weeks.  I've added another "r" to the previous two:  retirement!  So, for the first time in many years, September will be a sweet continuation of summer.  Mmmmm...
I'm going to attend a Zentangle certification seminar in August in Providence.  Can't wait!  I've started a Facebook group called CZT IX, Providence 2012.  If you are attending or are already a CZT, please join us.  We already have 15 members, but we need more!


  1. Yea for your new "r" hope you are enjoying it and congrats on attending the CZT seminar - you will love it - one of those life events that you have to experience because there are no words to adequately describe it. Have fun

  2. Thank you, Suzanne. I enjoy reading and learning from your blog.
